There are a lot of things one unit or another has or doesn't have. People are generally really confused. The biggest drawback preventing an all-out competition is the fact that SONICBlue has EOL'd the emeg (riocar).
In any case, I have made the mother of all comparative matrices to look at the Rio, PhatBox and Neo for good measure.
I have only shown it to a couple of people so far. It is not yet complete: I am waiting for some details on the PhatBox, etc. I also have to clean up the text and then make sure I put all the info into a relative order.
I would like to show it to a few more people however to make sure everything in it is cool. This is supopsed to be an UNBIASED matrix, unlike the marketing-inspired one on the PhatBox site or that you would see on the back of a product box.
Hugo, if you'd like, and have a few minutes to read it over and give me some feedback, I will forward you the URL. Everyone else, I will be more than glad to give out the temporary URL if you private message me. I'll only do this for a few people until I have the chance to do more work on it and finish it up.
In case anyone is wondering, yes, I have also shown it to a couple of PhatBox people who think it is currently unbiased. :)